Tag: equality

  • Gender Pay Gap: Myth or Reality?

    Gender Pay Gap: Myth or Reality?

    By: Anchitta Noowong Tuesday, April 2nd was Equal Pay Day in the United States. Equal Pay Day was launched by the National Committee on Pay Equity in 1996 to shine a light on pay disparity between men and women. In honor of Equal Pay Day, I brought in 3 different women with 3 different backgrounds to…

  • Living the Dream

    Living the Dream

    By: Sharon Nellist One of my favorite things about Portland State University is how we are incredibly diverse. I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people from all sorts of backgrounds. I have been exposed to various cultures by those interactions right in my PSU backyard. January 18 was no different than…

  • You Are Not Your Khakis

    As the Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute VIP reception wound down, I found myself wandering around the Smith student union Browsing Lounge looking for a misplaced coat. Most of the guests were upstairs in the ballroom for the main event. I was tired and my navy blue blazer was a little too warm. As I…